Debating on the right blinds for your new house can take a really long time to decide on. Good thing ScotBlinds is here for you to help you with your dilemma.
After selecting blinds as the type of window to be used in your newly built home, you are once again faced with another set of options on the blinds’ material. It comes as no surprise that homeowners often face this dilemma when deciding on the material for their window blinds San Diego, CA. While both wood blinds and faux wood blinds are fine choices for your newly built home, you still would want to know the best option after considering a lot of factors. From the climate to the type of window blind with the best functionality, you want to choose window blinds that are equipped to survive the possible climate in the region your house is currently situated. To help you sort things out, here are some things to know about natural wood vs. faux wood blinds.
Faux Wood Blinds Would Likely Survive in Places With Strong Humidity
Installing wood blinds in places that have strong humidity may not be the best thing to do if you want your window to survive. Aside from this, areas in your home that may cause high humidity, such as your bathroom, kitchen, or dining room, can cause your wood blinds to get damaged or fade. These areas in your room have the tendency to condensate often; thus, choosing faux wood blinds may give you better functionality. Woods are known to be a hater of moisture or humidity, which explains the instances mentioned above. In contrast, faux wood blinds are known to be a good resistant to moisture, making them a good choice for high moisture areas.
Wood Blinds Offer Versatility and Classic Vibe
If we are going to talk about the appeal to the classic aesthetic or vibe of the house, then wood blinds are a sure win in this category. The variation of earthly tones and styles can easily go with the interior and exterior of your home decor. With the versatility of the wood material, wood blinds can be more flexible and customized depending on the taste of the homeowner. Moreover, the naturally acquired material used in making wood blinds can contribute a lot in promoting sustainability.
Wood Faux Blinds can be Deeply Cleaned With Water and Chemical Solution
Regular maintenance of window blinds is usually conducted with water and cleaning solutions. However, the use of water when cleaning your blinds can damage and deteriorate the window blinds of your home. The cleaning can still be possible through dry cleaning using a dry cloth or dust remover to avoid moisture or warping your wood blinds.
The difference between wood and faux wood blinds can appear minimal as they almost look and feel similar. As a homeowner, you must carefully learn about the details of the types of window blinds to prevent any dissatisfaction in the end. Consider the things that may affect the quality of your window blind before choosing the material for it. If you are interested in shopping for window blinds in San Diego, CA, then our company is more than willing to help you. Visit our website now for more details.